
your siding resource

The “it’s almost fall” Checklist


The “it’s almost fall” Checklist

It’s happened – I’ve become my parents – I hear myself saying, “it’s already _____, where has time gone?!” In this case my words are: “it’s already the end of August?!” Time is not slowing down, so I just need to get with the program – and that means that it’s time to start getting my home ready for fall. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still plenty of time to tackle summer projects while the weather is still cooperative, but don’t forget to sprinkle these to-dos into the last of your summer-buckle-list.

1.        Give your trees & shrubs some lovin’.

The sun has shone, the plants have been watered, so… they’ve inevitably grown, too! Take some time and trim the trees, cut back the shrubs, and get rid of excess.

2.       One last power wash.

Before the leaves come, give the deck & driveway one more wash. It won’t stop the trees from shedding, but it will give you a clean slate to start the colder months with.

3.       Clean gutters & downspouts.

Grab a ladder, hose, some Dawn dish soap + sponge. Maybe give these a little wash-down during your power washing session, too.

4.       Seal gaps where critters (or moisture) could enter.

Make sure your windows, doors and other openings are sealed off well. If not: grab some good quality caulking and get to work!

5.       Do a good once-over around your house: check the siding, windows & doors.

See any gaps in your siding? See any cracks in the siding under windows? Notice anything that seems…. “not right”? These might be reasons to reach out to Perdue Builders and Supply.

Call us (or contact here) for a free consultation, as we specialize in siding replacement & window/door installation.

Richard Perdue