The Best Advice On When You Need New Siding
As a homeowner, it seems there is always something house-related that’s needing attention (plus a piece of your bank account), and frankly, it’s hard to want to make proactive updates if it isn’t totally necessary.
But what’s even less fun than that—unexpected surprises, i.e. “oh no, my furnace all of a sudden doesn’t work!”
What if I told that we could tell you the state of your exterior home? For free? That way there are no surprises.
My family and I moved into our home last year. We did the normal inspection and additionally, I had a boss who was well versed in siding and he was able to tell me, “you have cedar siding, it’s in fine shape but could use a paint job.” So, that was that. We invested in an exterior paint job this last summer and should be set for 6-9 years (knock on wood).
In our particular situation, the alternative to painting would have been leaving our current cedar siding as it was, and then it would have eventually failed due to not enough protection. So…spend a few thousand dollars on a paint job or 8X the amount on new cedar siding down the road, all because you didn’t give it the proper attention.
I’d say the proactive update was the road better traveled in this situation. Solutions aren’t always as pretty as this particular story, but whatever your house’s fate, wouldn’t you rather be on the front, offensive side of something like this rather than the “we need this right now” side of it?
So here it is: the best advice on when you need new siding:
Get a professional siding contractor to look at your house now, before you need it NOW. In fact, get a FREE bid from us!
Pick the contractor’s brain—how long of a life might the siding have? What are some options and alternatives if it isn’t financially possible to re-side the whole home “now”?
If there is work to be done, get a few bids. More eyes is better! In order to find a few reliable contractors, ask around, check reviews, and look companies up!
QUESTION: What holds you back from pursuing professional opinions about your home? Share with us in the comments below.